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“It's crazy how my trust in our "institutions" has completely evaporated. Now it's to the point where literally every single thing they say, I view as a lie. These "scientists" are ALL paid liars. As is our media.”
- Anonymous
Former Champion Gymnast: The NCAA Is Skirting Trump’s EO Protecting Women’s Sports
American life today is characterized in no small part by nearly ceaseless exposure to LGBTQ propaganda. Everywhere you turn, you’re confronted with “the message,” be it in grade schools, on college campuses, while watching television or movies, or at work. There are no “safe spaces” sheltered from the deluge—not even FEMA’s hurricane recovery efforts have been spared.
How did such a small “community” capture America’s institutions? The answer is complex, but a new database by The Project to Expose Corporate Activism (PECA) shines a light on a significant part of the story.
PECA’s database shows that corporations have become the vanguard of the LGBTQ movement, donating vast sums of money to prop up an equally vast network of activists. The database does not merely rehash well-known examples like Anheuser-Busch’s support for transgender TikTok influencers but rather furnishes evidence of 1,588 companies’ support for more than 2,300 LGBTQ causes. These causes on the whole are quite radical. They range from Camp Brave Trails—a queer summer camp that has children’s drag shows and a “clothing closet for exploring gender expression”—to NGOs like Immigration Equality that facilitate the illegal migration of transgender and HIV+ “asylum seekers.”
Disturbingly, corporations appear to be particularly fixated on LGBTQ youth. The most commonly recurring causes in the database are organizations that spread LGBTQ propaganda in schools and encourage and enable child sex changes. That companies often platform and elevate parents of transgender kids as part of their internal programming only substantiates this observation.
The database also provides a representative sampling of each company’s LGBTQ DEI initiatives, ranging from employee drag shows to discriminatory pro-LGBTQ hiring policies. Some of these initiatives, such as the creation and maintenance of LGBTQ employee resource groups (ERGs), are nearly ubiquitous across the profiled companies. Others, such as one leading childcare provider’s LGBTQ programming for toddlers, are more peculiar. All have concerning implications, not only for “heteronormative” employees who are forced to choose between the Scylla and Charybdis of “allyship” and potential ostracization, but also for the public.
What starts in the boardroom rarely fails to penetrate the political sphere and infect public discourse.
What the database cannot illuminate is equally, if not more, concerning. The topline figure of companies spending $1 billion to advance LGBTQ causes, while impressive, only represents a fraction of the actual amount. Unfortunately for would-be champions of corporate transparency, most of what passes for corporate philanthropy today is hidden from public view.
Corporations routinely skirt outdated transparency and accountability regulations, hiding the full extent of their activism from both the public and their nominal owners, the shareholders. The monetary figures reported in the database are merely the minimum amounts that can be confirmed rather than the total amounts these companies hand out. The numerous question marks sprinkled throughout denote instances where companies trumpeted their activism but failed to disclose the cost.
Corporate activism paradoxically is both brazen and shadowy. Companies proudly virtue signal their support for LGBTQ causes, but refuse to provide the receipts to their shareholders, whose wealth they ostensibly divert to fund these causes, and the public, the target of their machinations. By compiling data on such a large number of companies, the database provides an unprecedented view of the whole. It unveils not only the vastness of the corporate support for the LGBTQ movement but also some of its actuating patterns.
Significantly, nearly all the profiled companies, irrespective of size, have LGBTQ employee resource groups (ERGs). These identity-based affinity groups, we are told, have a variety of purposes, such as furthering employee “inclusion” and leading efforts at market segmentation. But ERGs are necessarily composed of activists who provide disruptive, manipulative, and self-interested employees with an employer-sanctioned means to organize. They also enable outside actors to hijack corporate means for their own ends.
One such actor is the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBTQ organization in the country and the power behind the Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a “benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees.” To receive a perfect CEI score, companies must have an LGBTQ ERG with executive sponsorship or an LGBTQ-inclusive Diversity Council, among undertaking other actions.
In turn, ERGs often cite their companies’ CEI scores to justify new LGBTQ initiatives and carveouts (as CEI metrics grow each year, there is always more to demand of corporate managers). As if the conflict of interest was not apparent enough, it is often ERG members that direct these initiatives, benefit from them, and report to the HRC for scoring purposes. Though companies likely had good intentions when they first established ERGs, it is clear today that they inadvertently created fifth columns within their organizations.
If companies fail to submit to employee demands, the HRC and its allies gin up public relations crises to browbeat them into line. HRC also adjusts their CEI scores or suspends them from the CEI outright, threatening their standing with institutional lenders and investors. This is not to suggest that all companies are forced into compliance; some engage in LGBTQ activism voluntarily. But the synergy between ERGs and LGBTQ organizations like the HRC is largely responsible for the near universality of LGBTQ activism across companies.
It is not enough for those who seek a return to earlier, less controversial modes of corporate philanthropy to demand that companies disassociate from the HRC and the CEI. External activists are only part of the problem—the HRC is but one activist organization among many. Reformers must also demand that companies abolish identity-based ERGs and other internal groups committed to political activism. This is no doubt a major task: in addition to external actors like the HRC, the possibility of vexatious employee tantrums and spurious civil rights suits incentivizes the maintenance of such groups. However, this is necessary if companies are to be freed from the clutches of those who endeavor to steer corporate philanthropy toward their friends and away from the common good.
The post LGBTQ, Inc. appeared first on The American Mind.
‘There’s a Lot of Reasons’: First-Time Trump Voter Explains Why 2024 Was Her Breaking Point
DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—A Connecticut mother explained on Thursday why she voted for President Donald Trump in 2024 after casting ballots for independent candidates in 2016 and 2020.
In an appearance on journalist Mark Halperin’s “2WAY Tonight” Axios’ Trump White House reporter Marc Caputo asked a woman identified as Alex when she decided she had to vote for Trump rather than an independent candidate in the 2024 election. She cited the treatment of children and parents under former President Joe Biden’s administration as the main motivator.
“There’s a lot of reasons, but I would say the biggest reason was what was done to my children during the Biden years regarding masks and vaccines and coming after parents,” Alex said. “A lot of what was going on in the schools. And I basically wanted a return to the late ’90s … and Trump, to me, seems like a return to the late ’90s. I want inappropriate jokes. I want fun.”
Earlier during her appearance on “2WAY Tonight,” Alex expressed outrage at Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland issuing a memo on Oct. 4, 2021, directing the FBI to “use its authority” in response to the “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.”
The memo followed a letter from the National School Board Association that requested the federal government get involved in the “immediate threat” of parents who spoke and protested at school board meetings. The National School Board Association claimed the incidents could be “the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”
“To see that come from our Justice Department, attacking everyday Americans that were just trying to do right by their kids, was so all-encompassing as a parent you’ll never know … as a person who saw that and reacted to it, it was the government coming against their own people and attacking their own people for something I think is absolutely outrageous,” Alex said.
Parents at the time were leading the charge against controversial issues, including mask and vaccine requirements.
A previously reluctant Trump voter on Halperin’s “The Morning Meeting” said on Feb. 7 that she was happy to support the president in 2024 after experiencing Biden’s administration and witnessing Trump’s “perseverance.”
“I actually love him now,” Jackie said. “Like, it was, ‘I’m gonna hold my nose and vote for him.’ And after the last four years … I like everything about him.”
Originally published by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
The post ‘There’s a Lot of Reasons’: First-Time Trump Voter Explains Why 2024 Was Her Breaking Point appeared first on The Daily Signal.
FACT CHECK: Video Showing Celebrities With Anti-Kanye West Shirts Is AI
Democratic Lawmakers in Chaos 3 Weeks Into Trump's Presidency, Pulling Chuck Schumer in Opposite Directions
Democrats are at their most divided moment in recent memory, causing headaches for Democratic leaders in Congress who are trying to mount a response to President Donald Trump. The returning […]
The post Democratic Lawmakers in Chaos 3 Weeks Into Trump's Presidency, Pulling Chuck Schumer in Opposite Directions appeared first on The Western Journal.
‘Just the Beginning’: Californians Fight Back Against Leftist Gender Ideology
Californians are fighting back against radical transgender ideology in their schools and athletic associations.
With the announcement of new legislation in the state Assembly on Friday to protect girls and women’s sports as well as parental rights, advocates say they want California to set a precedent for other liberal blue states.
The three bills would allow parents to opt their children out of instruction about transgender concepts in school, amend child abuse codes to exclude parental refusal to medically or socially transition their child, and return to sex-segregated athletics, restrooms, and changing rooms.
Assemblywoman Leticia Castillo, a Republican from the 58th Assembly District, representing parts of Riverside and San Bernardino counties, said she introduced the first two bills to restore parental rights and place safeguards around families in the state. Under current California law, parents can be investigated by social services for abuse and can lose custody of their children for failing to affirm their so-called gender identity.
“We must protect our children from harmful ideologies that are completely out of control and have already done unspeakable harm,” Castillo said at a press conference Friday outside the California state Capitol building in Sacramento. “It’s time for this abuse to end.”
The legislation comes in the wake of a federal investigation of the California Interscholastic Federation and of San Jose State University for Title IX violations, as well as three executive orders from President Donald Trump banning boys and men from girls and women’s sports; prohibiting federal funding of K-12 schools that promote radical gender ideology; and banning federal funding of sex-change surgeries for minors.
Among those who spoke in support of the new legislation at the press conference was Chloe Cole, a 20-year-old California resident and detransitioner who now advocates against gender ideology.
“An executive order is not enough,” Cole said. “We need laws, not only federally, but in our state.”
Erin Friday, a lawyer and California mother of a formerly trans-identified daughter, is spearheading the grassroots effort to enact this legislation and protect children from transgender ideology in school.
Friday said many of those advocating against transgender ideology at the state level aren’t necessarily Republican or conservative. They’re also regular Democrats who have had enough of the actions of their elected officials.
“I’ve been a Democrat since I was 18 years old, and I cannot get a single Democrat lawmaker to sit down and have a conversation with me on this issue,” Friday told The Daily Signal. “They’re not listening to constituents. They decided to make it a partisan issue.”
Greg Burt, vice president of the California Family Council, said he anticipates an uphill battle on all these measures, but they show the culture is shifting in California.
“There’s a lot of Democrats who are waking up to this, that it is one step too far to abandon the whole idea that there are things called male and female, and it’s determined by their biology,” Burt told The Daily Signal. “They’re now voting Republican, just on that issue alone.”
Meanwhile, Republicans in the state don’t prioritize parental rights because they cannot get support on the issue, he said. Democrats hold 3-to-1 supermajorities in both houses of the California Legislature.
“The fact that Trump came out so clear on those issues is, is a real big help,” Burt said. “Hopefully, it transforms the Republicans, so they start realizing these are winning issues.”
He urged the Trump administration to follow through on its executive orders and support the grassroots movement already in place.
“It can’t be an empty threat,” Burt said. “These activists and legislators really believe what they are doing is helping these kids, and they will hardly look at the opposite viewpoint.”
To win on this issue at a national level, he said, California must change first because every bill promoting transgender ideology originated in the state. Other blue states will follow the lead of California.
“You’re not getting rid of this until you go to the state who is influencing the rest of the nation,” Burt asserted. “Don’t just think you can fix it in other red states and ignore California, because California will not ignore the rest of the country.”
California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office did not respond to The Daily Signal’s request for comment.
The post ‘Just the Beginning’: Californians Fight Back Against Leftist Gender Ideology appeared first on The Daily Signal.
Kyle Rittenhouse Is A Celebrity Gun Store Employee

Almost five years after using an AR-15 to defend himself against an angry mob of Black Lives Matter protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Kyle Rittenhouse is making headlines again, albeit fewer, as the newest celebrity employee of a North Florida gun shop. Rittenhouse was just 17 at the time of the shooting, in which he wounded one attacker and introduced two more to the room temperature challenge. The incident and the ensuing high-profile trial made national headlines, ultimately leading to his acquittal on all counts, a decision that made waves across the country.
Continue reading Kyle Rittenhouse Is A Celebrity Gun Store Employee at The Truth About Guns.
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Pop Quiz
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